What does construction entail and what will your crews be doing?

Construction Process for Fiber Internet

Before we begin, you may see flags and spray paint along roads and sidewalks to mark utilities and potential construction landmarks. We make these marks to ensure our crews can work safely and avoid any interruptions to your utilities. 

Our team will then distribute fiber cable from one of our hubs in your town to a localized cabinet in your neighborhood. This fiber cable is a very thick cable that contains the fiber strands for many households. The same team then pulls fiber cable from the cabinet in your neighborhood to the utility poles. After a thorough quality check is conducted, we’ll light up the fiber! 

After all these steps are complete, your home is ready to schedule an in-home installation for Cloudwyze Fiber Internet. The in-home installation takes about 1-2 hours to complete. Once that’s done, you’ll be hooked up and running on fiber!